June 2022

Community Council Meeting

Cyngor Cymuned Carreghofa Community Council


Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 28th June 2022

 at Llanymynech Village Hall



Cllr M Connell (Chairman)

Cllr R Dover

Cllr R McCluskey

Cllr I Done

Cllr C Jones

Cllr I Parry


In attendance:

Mr M. Donkin Clerk to the Council


1. Apologies for absence

County Cllr Arwel Jones

Cllr F. James


2. To record Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda



3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 24th May 2022

The minutes of the meeting held on 24th May were agreed as a correct record; proposed by Cllr Parry, seconded by Cllr Jones and agreed unanimously.

4. Matters arising from the minutes

4.1. ref: min 4.1. Donation to Carreghofa Primary School

The Clerk reported the monies had been paid to the school and an acknowledgment received. Cllr Dover said that the School had also mentioned the donation in the Parish Magazine and that the children were delighted with their Jubilee coins.


4.2. ref: min 7.5.2.

The Clerk confirmed that the cheque to the organisers of the Jubilee celebrations had been paid into the bank.


4.3. ref: min 7.7

The Clerk confirmed that he had contacted the Mayor of Oswestry and given the Council’s agreement to his attending an event at the school in his mayoral attire. The Mayor has sent his thanks.


4.4. ref: min 7.8.

The Clerk confirmed that he had written to Cadnant to point out the need for cross border referencing when making LDP planning decisions.


5. Finance Report

5.1. Financial Position

Council noted the financial position as set out in the papers for the meeting.

Deposit account:  £ 18496.25

Current account:   £846.59

Pension account   £72.76



5.2  Approval of Payments

Three invoices had been received since the papers for the meeting had been sent out. They are:-

TEEC – upgrade of 1 month on current contract - £31.20

TEEC – Premium service website hosting for 2022 / 23  -  £583.19

RoSPA – playground safety inspections - £168.00


Payment was proposed by Cllr Jones, seconded Cllr Dover and agreed unanimously


5.3. Internal Audit

The Clerk said that the internal audit had been delayed because JDH had informed him that the invoice for the previous year had not been paid. He had responded that this was because no invoice had been submitted but following consultation with the Chairman he had used his devolved powers to pay the invoice of £320.40.


The internal audit would be presented to the July meeting and the appropriate notice displayed on the noticeboard and website.


6     Planning

There were no planning applications to consider.


7 Other matters

7.1  Elections

It was agreed that the remaining vacancy for a seat on the Council would be re-advertised.


7.2  Website

The Clerk reported TEEC has now included Carreghofa Community Council in its Premium Service and would manage the website from now on.


7.3  Canal

Cllrs Done and Jones had attended the canal development meeting in Newtown on 26th June. Cllr Done felt that much of the information given was irrelevant to Carreghofa. It is expected to take two years to make the canal navigable as far as Llanymynech.


As far as Walls Bridge is concerned there is a number of options for diverting the road but none has to date been agreed. There is likely to be a low rise bridge but this has not been finalised. The same applies to Williams Bridge.


Cllr Done said that everything was still open for discussion but the group must spend the monies available soon or they will lose it.


Cllr Dover said that any canal crossing must take account of the fact that heavy agricultural machinery will be using it.


The Chairman informed the meeting that he had a meeting scheduled for 14th July with representatives to discuss the Council’s reservations on the loss of amenities at the Walls Bridge playground. He estimated that some 40 metres of space could be lost and this would include the Chris Backshall memorial tree and the WI tree, both of which would need to be transplanted. The new road would also be very close to the playground equipment.


Cllr McCluskey asked about contingency funding to create a new playground area on the opposite side of the B4398. He was also concerned that traffic approaching Llanymynech across a new bridge would mean that car headlights would shine into the houses opposite the playground.




7.4. St. Agatha’s Clock

Council considered the note from Ms Caroline Stewart set out in the papers for the meeting. The Chairman felt that the project was too large for one person (Ms Stewart) to handle. He was concerned that there were no costings from the third company that had quoted for the work. He also noted the disparity between the two quotes already given.


Cllr McCluskey felt that this should be a joint project with Llanymynech & Pant Parish Council.

The Clerk pointed out that the original note was to St. Agatha’s Parochial Church Council with copies to the Community Council and, presumably Llanymynech & Pant Parish Council; The Church Council should take the lead on this with support from the local councils and the diocese might be expected to share in funding the project.


Cllr McCluskey said that we should contact the Church Council and offer support but that the Community council needed to see some detailed plans.


The Chairman said that a joint meeting with Llanymynech & Pant Parish Council should be held and the Church Clock could form part of the agenda.


7.5. Statutory Guidance

The Welsh Government’s statutory guidance circulated via One Voice Wales had been forwarded to councillors. The Chairman had made some comments which were reported in the papers for the meeting. He now felt that there should be a sub-committee formed to consider the guidance in detail and report to the September meeting of the Council on what action should be taken. Cllr McCluskey felt that we should first approach One Voice Wales and / or Powys County Council to ascertain what  advice they can give.


It was agreed that the Clerk would report the Council’s discussion to One Voice Wales and ask what advice and support is available. It was also felt that County Cllr Arwel Jones be asked what stance other community councils are taking.



7.6.   LDP Settlement Audit

Council noted the survey from Cadnant in the papers for the meeting. Cllr Dover offered to fill in the survey and circulate to the Council for comment and agreement at the next meeting. Council considered the questions one by one and various points were made. Cllr Dover will complete that survey with these comments in mind.

ACTION: Cllr Dover


8. Amenities

8.1.  Walls Bridge Playground and Football Field


The Chairman reported he that had received an email from Clive Heaton advising that one of the pieces of apparatus had been vandalised. The Chairman had discovered that one of the "springee" rides had been snapped off the base fitting - the steel spring having been sheared through. He had  placed an entry on the Llanymynech Community Facebook page asking for any information.


He had also contacted Carreghofa Primary School and spoke to the Head, advising her what had been found. She agreed to speak to each class and ask them to be careful when  in the play park - as the ground fitting was above ground level.


The Chairman had also contacted the equipment suppliers - Sutcliffe NW - & spoke to Sarah Russell. She said she had never heard of the spring shearing through as the spring was made of high tensile materials which would unlikely to snap.


She did say that spares were available and said she would forward details of the parts/costs. A mail was received later outlining the parts and giving a total cost of £167 (inc. delivery) exc. VAT.


The meeting thought the costs were acceptable and Cllr Done said he would look at the fitting and the seat to see if all the parts listed were required or whether only a new spring was necessary.


The Clerk said that the money could be claimed via the insurance cover (this may need checking to ascertain if there is an excess and whether the premium would rise at the next renewal).

ACTION: Chairman, Cllr Done & Clerk


RoSPA Inspection.


The RoSPA inspection had been received after the papers for the meeting had been sent out but had been circulated by the Clerk on the day of the meeting.


The Chairman said these report (and faults identified) were almost exactly in line with those reported in previous years


1) The vegetation by the entrance gate at Carreghofa Lane would be cut back.


2) The hedge by the gate on the towpath was growing in and was locked (as previously requested). Although the report said the gate could still be scaled, no action to be taken.


3) 1/4 rubber edging required for the seats on the slide. (These will be ordered at the time the order for the replacement spring is done.)


4) The loose swing bolt is unlikely to come free as it is rusted on tight and will not move. It has been oiled previously to no effect.


5) The wooden bench requires attention but when it gets to the point that is will cause a danger, it will be dismantled and scrapped. leaving only the new benches in place.


6) The fault on the adult equipment (tread step), where a cap is missing. The Chairman will check who the manufacturer / fitters are and obtain a quote for a replacement.


7) "Dogs Banned" signs missing. These have been put up and subsequently removed (by unknown persons). The Chairman agreed  to check prices.

ACTION: Chairman,


8.2. Email from Resident re Cae Haidd

The Clerk read out  an email from a resident as follows:-


Further to your email we have been trying to contact the relevant person at Powys about the maintenance of the trees on the green. After months of promises that someone would ring back I finally managed to speak to the lady with responsibility for this area. According to her Powys has no responsibility for the green but she would discuss the need for the trees being lopped at her next meeting with the county councillor. She did promise to ring me back but thus far we have heard nothing more.

Therefore if Powys has nothing to do with the green can I ask again that the community council employs someone to cut back the cherry tree and perhaps to re stake some of the other trees. The Rowan planted by councillors a decade ago is now growing at an angle far from vertical and will surely blow over in the next gale as the support we have attached to it was only intend as a temporary measure.

The Clerk referred to previous emails on this subject. It is the Council’s opinion that the land at Cae Haidd is the responsibility of the County Council but he pointed out that the Community Council had, at a previous time, done some work here as a goodwill gesture in the light of no action from Powys County Council.


It was agreed that the Council should contact Powys County Council and ascertain the actual responsibility for this area.



 8.3. Dolphin Car Park

No further action. To be kept on the agenda.


9.  Highways and Byways

9. 1. Road Repairs and Potholes

In the absence of County Cllr Arwel Jones this matter was held over until the next meeting.

ACTION: County Cllr Arwel Jones


10. To receive reports on Meetings from Outside Bodies

10.1.  Burial Board

No meeting held in last month


10.2. Powys C. C. and Town and Community Councils meeting

There will be a Zoom meeting on 14th July


10.3. Village Hall

The meeting was in progress at the same time as the Council meeting.


10.4 CHC meeting

A meeting will be held on 7th July


11. Correspondence

11.1  Correspondence for Decision

There was no correspondence for decision


11.2. Correspondence to note.

Council noted the correspondence sent out by the Clerk since the last meeting and itemised in the papers for the meeting.


12. Any Other Business


12.1 Chair advised that he has a "Zoom" with Dyfed-Powys police scheduled for 29th June at 3:30pm regarding the speeding problem on B4398. A post meeting note will be issued to Councillors separately


12.2 "Cllr Done reported that an elderly neighbour living by the canal tow path in Orchard Green who, it is believed, was burgled a couple of years ago (she was alone in the house at the time) has since that time she has become somewhat reclusive and difficult to communicate with (probably expected in the circumstances).

She has had her garden fence removed but as yet not made any effort to have replacements fitted. The problem is that 2 swans have taken up residence on the towpath, opposite her house, and with 5 cygnets are very protective when people try to go by their "spot".  Rather than turn round and walk away, people are actually walking off the towpath and walking through her property/garden onto Orchard Green. This could be considered trespass. Cllr Done asked if there is anything that could be done via Social Services? The Chairman said he would contact the local PCSO to report the situation and see if there was anything could be done to help.

Post meeting note PCSO Pocock responded that she would ask a colleague to call to check the matter."

12.3.Cllr McCluskey reminded members of the fund raising concert in aid of the North Wales cancer Appeal to be held at the Village Hall on 1st July.



13  Date of Next meeting

Tuesday 26th July at 7.00pm at Llanymynech Village Hall


 ACTION: All to note.





Approved by Council as a correct record:-



Proposed:  ________________________________________________________ 



Seconded:  ________________________________________________________



Signed:  __________________________________________________________  Chairman



Date:     _______________________________________________________       



