March 2024
Tuesday, 19:00

Community Council Meeting

Cyngor Cymuned Carreghofa Community Council




Minutes of the Meeting held on Tuesday 26th March 2024

 at Llanymynech Village Hall



Cllr R Dover (Chairman)

Cllr. I Done

Cllr J Fynes

Cllr. F James

Cllr C Jones

Cllr I Parry


In attendance:

Mr M. Donkin: Clerk to the Council

County Cllr Arwel Jones

Ms Katie Woodroffe – Canal and Rivers Trust

8 members of the general public.


1.Apologies for absence      

Cllr C Savage

Cllr C Hall


2. To record Declarations of Interest in items on the agenda




3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 30th January 2024


The minutes of the meeting held on 5th March 2024 were agreed as a correct record, proposed by Cllr Fynes, seconded by Cllr Jones and approved unanimously.


4. Matters arising from the minutes

4.1. ref: min 7.4 Cross Border Rugby.  The Clerk reported that he had written to Mr Symons of  W Communications  relaying the Community Council’s suggestion and had received the following reply:-


Unfortunately, we are no longer pressing ahead with this activation – but thank you for your help.


4.2 ref: min 12.4  Flag for Peace

Cllr James said that she had been in touch with St. Agatha’s Church but they did not have a flag pole. She said that there are flag poles at Pen-y-Foel Hall and offered to approach the owner to see if they would be willing to fly a flag.

ACTION Cllr James


5 Finance

5.1.   Current position

The Clerk reported that the Council’s accounts as at Thursday 21st March  2024 were as follows: -

Deposit account:         £ 14547.09 This includes a £74.00 interest payment.

Current account:         £ 1275.58  This includes a payment of £695.72 VAT refund. The Clerk pointed out that last year the VAT repayment was higher due to the purchase of equipment for the playground. This year’s amount was in line with the Council’s usual expectations.

Pension account          £ 74.33


5.2.   IRPW Determinations

Council considered the Determinations that applied to Community Councils and made the following decisions:-


·       Extra Costs Payments: The Clerk said that this determination had become Mandatory this year. In previous years all councillors had declined the payment. Because of its mandatory status any councillor wishing to decline to accept the payment MUSY do so in writing to the Clerk. An email would be sufficient.

·       Senior Role:  Declined

·       Chair of Council:  Accepted  - Allocation £100.

·       Vice Chair of Council: Accepted – Allocation £50

·       Attendance Allowance: Accepted

·       Financial Loss: Accepted

·       Travel & Subsistence:  Accepted

·       Cost of Care or Personal Assistance:  Accepted


5.3.  Approval of Payments

There were no payments for approval this month.


 6. Planning

There were no planning applications for consideration. Cllr Fynes pointed out that the time to

Put existing planning permissions into effect for three houses on Gwelfryn had now elapsed.


The Chair asked County Cllr Arwel Jones if there was any further news on the status of the LDP. He

said that he had no new information.


7 Other matters


7.1 Montgomery Canal Development Project

This item was taken at the beginning of the meeting.

7.1.1. Update


The Chairman welcomed Katie Woodroffe from the Canal & Rivers Trust who gave the following report of progress with the Restoration Project:-


The Dredging from Four Crosses has now been completed. Additionally, the banks have been reinforced with coir matting to protect them from erosion and provide a habitat for plants and animals.


The final stage of the dredging to Llanymynech Bridge would begin in October and end in March 2025.


Most of the work on planning applications for both bridges and the Wern nature reserve had now been completed. The design for Williams Bridge had changed but this would not affect the planning application.


The Canal & Rivers Trust would be hosting two information events prior to submitting planning applications for the new Carreghofa Lane bridge and Williams Bridge. These would be on 30th April at Llandysilio Village Hall and 1st May at Llanymynech Village Hall. The events would have displays, plans, maps, pictures and drawings. Ms Woodroffe,  the Dredging Manager and Bridges Manager would all be in attendance to answer questions and receive comments from members of the public.


Local residents would receive a ‘post card drop’ to inform them of the events.


An archaeological investigation would take place in May / June prior to the submission of planning applications.


7.1.2 Community Space

The memorial trees had been successfully replanted on the north side of the canal in the area which will become t=a Community Space. They are doing well and the cherry tree is now in blossom. The Clerk said that newly planted trees needed constant watering for the first 6 weeks. Ms Woodroffe said that, so far, the weather had been very wet but, if needed, she lives nearby and would undertake to water the trees.


The Chairman then asked if there were any questions from councillors or the members of the public present.


Cllr Fynes asked for the target date for starting the work. Ms Woodroffe replied that the expected start would be the end of the summer.


Cllr Jones asked about the situation re the stretch of canal at Pant on the English side of the border. Ms Woodroffe said that the volunteer group had got some funding and was applying for further funds.


7.2. Social Media Activity

Standing Item: Nothing to report


7.3.  Community Shop

In the absence of Cllr Bond (The Chairperson of Llanymynech and Pant Parish Council) Mr Borthwick, a member of the public present and also the current shopkeeper confirmed that the shop would close on Friday 29th March. He said that the landlord did not want a post office on site and that two new tenants would be moving in. He pointed out that the shop was a focal point fore the village and many people came in for advice as well as for shopping.


The Chairman said that something in place of the shop was clearly needed although he accepted that this may not include a post office. It was generally agreed that a community shop would be a good solution and Mr Borthwick said if  a community shop could be established, he would be prepared to run it.


The Chairman asked for views for members of the public present at the meeting and the general view was that a project to  set up a community shop would be supported by the community.


The Chairman felt that the village hall could be used to provide community advice sessions and suggested that the two local councils might cooperate in hiring a room for a session each week.


Cllr Fynes proposed that the community advice idea be supported and that progress should be made with Carreghofa C. C. and Llanymynech and Pant P. C. and the Village Hall committee and that the matter be reviewed in six months. This was agreed unanimously.


7.4. National Eisteddfod Appeal

Council noted the request for funding in the papers for the meeting but, acting on the Clerk’s advice agreed that the request did not meet the criteria of the Council’s Donations Policy and, therefore, decided that the request could not be supported.


7.5. Wind Turbines and Pylons – Letter from Llandrindod Wells Town Council

The Clerk tabled a letter from Llandrindod Wells Town Council, received that morning. The letter is set out below:-


Dear Clerk,

The Members of Llandrindod Wells Town Council voted unanimously on February 20th 2024 to ask Powys County Council to hold a referendum on the proposal to erect a series of wind turbines and Pylons in Powys.

Llandrindod Town Council has written to every County Councillor, the Leader of the County Council and the CEO requesting they do this and we await responses. We are also making contact with the local press and media as we believe this is the best way to gain the wider publicity this deserves because many local people appear to be poorly informed about this.

We are also asking other Powys Community Councils if they will ride with us on this and propose similar moves in writing to the Council CEO and County Councillors so they fully appreciate the strength of feeling and apply some pressure and also invite the local press in order to give further coverage and to keep local people informed.

Our view on this was and remains that the air of publicity is key to those wishing to fight against these proposals which are being pushed through by a business without a democratic mandate.

We would appreciate if you would distribute this invitation to your respective members for their views and we hope to gain your support working together on this and look forward to your response.

Kind Regards


Jane Johnston PSLCC, CiLCA (Wales)

Town Clerk

Llandrindod Wells Town Council


The Council agreed to maintain its current stance of waiting until a formal consultation is launched before putting forward its own views.






 8 Amenities

8.1.  Walls Bridge Playground and Football Field

Cllr Done said that Sutcliffe Play had dispatched the equipment needed to repair the ‘helicopter’ in the playground and that the repairs should be effected in the next two weeks. He had asked Sutcliffe to send an invoice direct to the Clerk.


8.2. Olive Nial’s Memorial Bench

Cllr Done reported that he had examined the bench and found the uprights in good condition but the deck was completely rotten. He showed councillors a piece of the wood and pointed out that it was  of the cheapest type and advised that it be replaced by a better-quality long-lasting wood. He said that he would be willing to repair the bench once the new wood was to hand.


The Chairman thanked Cllr Done for his offer and Council agreed to pay for new wood up to a limit of £200. In response to a question by Cllr Jones, Cllr Done said that the bench would be fixed by the next meeting.

ACTION: Cllr Done


9.  Highways and Byways

9.1  Verges and potholes

County Cllr Arwel Jones reported despite repeated emails he had had no response from the Highways Department.


The Chairman  asked if the resourcing problem was one of money or staffing. He said that part of the difficulty was in recruiting lorry drivers who could earn more from the private sector. However, Powys C. C. had improved its offer on lorry drivers pay. Road repairs were a county wide problem and, because of current pressures, only pothole deeper that five inches were receiving attention.


Cllr James asked again about the drainage on Pen-y-Foel and the flooding at Talltopeen. County Cllr Arwel Jones said that he had reported this and the requisite work would be done.


Cllr Done said that he had identified 4 locations for planters and asked that this matter be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.


Cllr Fynes reported that the owners of the Dolphin public house had posted a notice saying that there would be no parking facilities for anyone taking over the shop premises. He asked how long the County council lease. County Cllr Arwel Jones said that he would find out the exact terms of the lease but, understood that it was for 99 years at its commencement so that there was no fear that the public spaces would be lost.

ACTION County Cllr Arwel Jones


9.2. Flooding in Tan-y-Foel

County Cllr Arwel Jones said that there had been no progress  to date on this issue.


10 To receive reports on Meetings from Outside Bodies


10.1.  Burial Board

Nothing to report


10.2. Powys C. C. and Town and Community Councils meeting

In the absence of Cllr Hall there was no report




10.3. Village Hall

Nothing to report


10.4 CHC meeting

Nothing to report.


11. Correspondence

11.1 Correspondence for Decision

There was no correspondence for decision


11.2. Correspondence to note.

Council noted the correspondence sent out by the Clerk since the last meeting and itemised in the papers for the meeting.





Bruno Peake Pageant Master

5th March

80th anniversary of D Day – Flag of Peace

Powys County Council

5th March

Duty Planning Officer

Play Wales

5th March


Craig Williams MP

5th March

March newsletter

Powys County Council -Sustainable Powys

5th March

Webinar 21st March

Russell George MS

8th March

March newsletter

Midlands Scheme Communications

12th March

Works on the A483

One Voice Wales

13th March

National Awards Conference



12. Any other business

12.1 Portrait of  HM King Charles III

The Clerk tabled an email, received that morning, from the Cabinet Office offering local councils a free framed portrait of King Charles III  to be displayed in a public building. He pointed out that although only received that day the email stated that the offer had been dated 14th November2023 and the cut off date for responses was 28th |March 2024.


Council agreed that it would apply for a portrait.



12.2 Tipping on meadows by Llanymynech Bridge

County Cllr Arwel Jones reminded councillors that he had raised this issue at an earlier meeting. He could now report that he had been in touch with the landowner and the tipping was being carried out by and environmental waste disposal company which has a licence for this. He also confirmed that the  tipping was on land above the flood level.


12.3. Narrowboat

Cllr Done raised the issue of the narrowboat moored at Llanymynech Wharfe. He felt that this was in need of cleaning and painting and wondered if the Community Council could help. Cllr Jones said that this was already in hand and the boat would shortly be moved onto the Motofix site.




13. Date of the next meeting:

Tuesday 30th April at 7.00pm at Llanymynech Village Hall.

ACTION: All to note




Approved by Council as a correct record:-  



Proposed:  ________________________________________________________           



Seconded:  ________________________________________________________           



Signed:  __________________________________________________________            Chairman




Date:     _______________________________________________________             



